does the IHE program work?
a new home with sweat equity
you want to own a new home, but you cannot get approved
for a construction loan. How does IHE differ from
a bank? The Instant Home Equity program works because
we have eliminated the need for a general contractor.
You oversee the construction, saving you the unnecessary
cost of hiring a general contractor.
overseeing the construction of your new home you
also choose the subcontractors. This gives you the
power to choose the most qualified subcontractors
at the best possible price.
can save more
By participating in the construction
of your new home you earn "sweat equity." This
can be used in place of a cash down payment when you obtain
a construction loan on your new home.
more you participate, the more you save!
of our clients will paint and / or install
insulation to save money. If you
have framing, roofing, siding, plumbing
or electrical skills, you can save even
more! |
Go to the steps
of the program |